Lujo Bergamo Fuoriporta

The Lujo Valley, a small Switzerland in the heart of Lombardy

Few know it, but a small Switzerland lies not far from the well-known Val Seriana. It is the Valle del Lujo, a corner of the province of Bergamo that has maintained the perfect harmony between man and nature. It is a place not to be beaten by the usual tourist itineraries but boasts unique traditions and beauties from the Abbey of St. Benedict, founded on April 7, 1136 by Benedictine monks, to whom these lands had been donated by the then Bishop of Bergamo Gregorio: first inhabiters of the valley, the monks had to break down a dense forest to make their way to this impervious place, but for this more secure and quiet of others. One of the most important centers of the area is Casale, which with its 700 meters high is a kind of large terrace from which you can admire the whole valley; the country is known for “biligocc” chestnuts dried and smoked following an ancient process and for the pretty parish church. Another place of ancient and fascinating worship is that of the hamlet of Dossello, dedicated to the spousal of St. Joseph with the Blessed Virgin Mary: here every year the faithful found themselves at the patron saint of St. Joseph for the blessing of animals and wagons, now replaced from cars. Ancient and definitely imposing is finally the church of Santa Maria di Valle Alta, which in 1304 formed with the church of S. Zenone di Cene a single benefit; only in 1463 the two churches became autonomous and the present structure dates back to the middle of the eighteenth century, when it was dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta and San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo.

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