Aymerich Park

The Aymerich Park, a naturalistic wonder in the heart of Sarcidano Sardo

With its roverelle oaks and its holm embraces the village of Laconi, conditioned in its urban layout by a complex morphology that over time has determined the typical choices of mountain centers. It is the Aymerich Park, an urban green space around the remains of the Aymerich Castle, whose first plant is probably to be counted on 1053.

The area extends over 22 hectares in the municipality in the province of Oristano, in the region called Sarcidano, in the center of Sardinia. The ruins of the castle have many stratifications, which over the centuries have led to the current aspect: the name reminds the last lords of Laconi, the Aymerich (who took the title in the 700’s), but in fact the building was built in medieval times – probably on the remains of a Byzantine anti-barbaric encampment – to defend the frontier of the Kingdom of Arborea and Cagliari. The main tower, with a rectangular plan, dates back to the 11th-12th century and, in the 18th century, it was converted into a prison.

Next to it stands the actual castle, divided into two floors: the lower one is contemporary to the tower, the upper one is following to the elegant molding windows in Catalan-Aragonese style. This castle was the residence of the lords of Laconi until the middle of the eighteenth century, when the Marquis Ignazio Aymerich Ripoll had already made a garden of exotic plants extending over a large surface. Probably the laconian lords must also have the woodland plant around the castle, which also houses unusual and non-native plants, such as an exceptional Lebanon cedar and the pine of Corsica. But the park is also made up of dense lilies, surrounded by natural hollows, streams, small waterfalls and ponds that create a beautiful atmosphere, accessible to all just a few steps from the city center.

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